FAQ and Contact


1Installation fees:
Broadband Connection will be provided subject to technical fusibility and geographic coverage. Client may have to give onetime non refundable installation charge for new internet connection depending on the selected package and base location.
2Monthly billing policy:
1. Home user subscribers have to pay their prepaid internet bill within 12th of the billing month.

2. If the bill is not paid by 12th of respective month, the line will be temporarily blocked without any prior notice.(It may take 24 hour to un-block the line, once it is blocked.)

3. If He/She wants to pay their Internet bill after 22nd of the billing month, they have to pay next month's bill with current month's bill.
3Block/Discontinue policy:
1. If a user wishes to temporarily block/permanently discontinue their connection, they may fill up a form available at DECENT NETWORK 15 days before the line is to be blocked/discontinue.

2. If a user block his/her line, the duration must be at least 15 days or DECENT NETWORK will not give any adjustment.

3. User will be at able to active their line within 3 months by paying last billed amount in full.(No concession is possible)with current month's bill in advance. 4. If the line stays blocked for 3 month, the line will be permanently disconnected and DECENT NETWORK will take back the cable.
4Login ID:
DECENT NETWORK will provide only one IP/Login ID against one subscription. For using more than one device. Clients may install Router/Switch/Other devices on their own cost.
5Migration fees:
If client wishes to change package, DECENT NETWORK may charge Tk.100 BDT. as migration charge.
6Real IP:
Monthly 200 BDT charge is applicable for getting Real IP service. No fraction bill is applicable for getting Real IP service.
7Online Internet Bill Payment:
1. Subscriber can pay their Internet bill online by mobile banking or by Card. Only regular user can pay bill online.

2. If your connection is temporarily or permanently block/ you want to migrate or change packages then do not pay your internet bill online. Please pay at DECENT NETWORK office desk.

3. Discount facilities are not available for online payment.
8Price Change:
DECENT NETWORK has the right to change its Service fees, installation charges and administrative charges at any time. Access to Client's premises:
9Access to Client's premises:
Clients will not relocate or temper any equipment owned by DECENT NETWORK. If Client wants to relocate any Base/devices they must contact TETRASOFT, and DECENT NETWORK will take necessary actions as soon as possible.
1. DECENT NETWORK will exercise all reasonable care in providing its services, but will not be responsible for interruption/service due to power failures, equipment malfunction, nationwide internet backbone down or acts of natural calamity. No concession shall be considered on this ground.

2. DECENT NETWORK network support team is not qualified for any software installation or hardware installation on client PC. Even though if any subscriber requests support team to work on their computer. DECENT NETWORK shall not take any liability for any damage or loss or destruction of any device or software, files or data. Therefore subscribers are requested to contact DECENT NETWORK office for any Hardware change or software installation.
11Right to Terminate/Modify/Cancelation of service:
1. DECENT NETWORK reserves the right to disconnect the service to any client instantly without any notice in case there is sufficient evidence of the customer intentionally or unintentionally using the service in a manner which would adversely impact DECENT NETWORK such as violation of ICT ACT OF Bangladesh or by applying any other illegal or unfair means.

2. The Company reserves the right to modify the terms of this agreement or prices for the service and may discontinue or receive any or all other aspects of the Service in its sole purpose at any time.

3. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by providing the other party with no less than 15 days written notice of such termination. In the event of termination by Client end, they must notify DECENT NETWORK by a non-electronic written submission. Email submissions shall not constitute effective notice.

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